
In Germany and world wide

We have an international network of partners and independent consultants who help us in projects at home and abroad with a special focus on China.




Fraunhofer IML

Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics



Traffic Logistics, Consulting & Engineering GmbH


MALORG Consulting

Logistics Consulting & Planning throughout Implementation

Do you have any Questions?

We adapt to your terminology and language and work out concepts tailored to you.


We take responsibility for the designs and suggestions we make.


Together with you, we to develop taylor-made solutions that ensure sustainable improvements.


We are independent of system providers and IT companies and thus secure solutions tailored to your requirements.


We are happy to assist you:

do logistics consulting GmbH
Baurat-Marx-Allee 22
D-44141 Dortmund, Germany

+49 (0) 231 / 13 37 - 301+49 (0) 231 / 13 37 - 300Send Mail